Launched in 2013 with a theatre performance based social awareness campaign ‘Ek prashna Ek vichar’, Akshat Drama Group has diversified itself to various art forms of theatre performance, Film Production, Casting Agency, Creative Marketing Events, Theatre & Film
Workshops (Filmy कक्षा) and Artist Club Events like जिजीविषा (Poetry Club) at our studio in Ahmedabad.
जिजीविषा – काव्य से जीवन की दिशा
A poet’s poetry club at Akshat Drama Group’s studio in Ahmedabad.

(Exhibition – Designer, Host)
A live exhibition created to express the hypocrite thought process prevalent in society & instead of presenting history, we chose to showcase live incidences including the Delhi gang Rape, my brother’s accident wherein no one standing there was ready to touch his mutilated leg & yet could talk about him hopefully reaching the hospital, a cartoon comic video with an educated professor pushing away a poor man because he accidentally touched his hand & washing it in front of him. The tour of the exhibition ends with a choice, to accept the truth & hang the live statue to death or accept him, a man dripping with blood & gore.

PANKHI – मुझे उड़ने तो दो
(Theatre School and Workshop)
A theatre group formed by Akshat Drama Group for the street kids of Mirzapur, to give them a platform to develop and channelize their energies and focus from activities such as gambling to teamwork and performing arts
It was a 3 month workshop including street plays, expert guidance, a documentary filming the experience felt by the kids & a grand finale performance.

YOU DISCRIMINATE – Education starts at home, so does discrimination.
(Proscenium Theatre – Writer, Director)
A blend of forum theatre and street play, the 15 minute play turned into an hour long debate and saw fascinating participation from the audience at Seva Café & Conflictorium museum in Ahmedabad.
The play focused on discrimination inside the home for improving the roots is better than colouring the leaves.
Forum theatre gets the audience to re enact their reactions to the set situations in the play. It questions the audience & enables them to voice their thoughts.

(Rural Culture – Event Organiser)
Puupet show performance by the Amdavadi rural folk of Akshat Drama Group was staged twice at Conflictorium auditorium and streets of Mirzapur. The performance gives a peek into the rich culture of India with kathputli dances and folk lore. Rarely known but equally entralling history is explored along with the traditional story of how puppet show evolved in India from Singhasan Battisi.

(Fiction Short Film – Writer, Director)
Inside a tea stall, one morning, Chotu dreams of education.
It is a story which ventures deep into education & human perspective. The country promises each & every citizen to provide education as the most basic right, a fundamental right. A right which a child has since birth, which he can claim, but the question is, from whom?
Screened on 14th November, 2015 at 10 cafe’s and Alpha One(now Ahmedabad One) mall in Ahmedabad.
Received place in top 10 short films to watch list by National Human Rights Commission in 2015.

(Play – Writer & Director)
On 31st May 2016, WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY
This play performance was created & enacted by Akshat Drama Group for GCS Medical College, Hospital & Research Center, Ahmedabad.
The play was performed at 4 locations on the day:
• GCS Hospital Auditorium
• Kalupur railway station
• Divya Bhaskar House
• Ahmedabad Management Association
Similar play were written & directed for associated occasions such as WORLD CANCER DAY.

(Comic – Content & Design)
Before my marriage, my father is my guardian. After my marriage, my husband is my guardian. WHO AM I?
After an online & offline research conducted on 605 subjects, we published our research along with a comic series & the researcher’s experience as part of our #MaritalRape campaign on our website, blog & social media handles.
(Marketing Campaign – Design & Execution)
The event was centred around Schools keeping in mind the young, learning audience of the magazine. Similar campaigns were conducted for other products and offers by Divya Bhaskar using various engaging and informative art forms.
(Documentary – Researcher & Director)
In 2017, the government of India brought the Mental Health Care Act 2017 replacing the 1987 version. Many new rights were gifted, but how many gifts were opened? We explored Ahmedabad to match a paper with the map.
There should be an absolute right in all societies to be mad. I interpret this to mean not only that if one succumbs to mental illness, society should provide appropriate and sufficient care and welfare – whether it be in institutions or in the community – but also that society should be more accepting of people who are mad, those who are just, a little less normal