After their jeans pockets got ripped out by multiple brokerages & difficulties due to ‘The Bachelor’ tag, they opened a Facebook group called ‘Flat And Flatmates Ahmedabad’ with 10 members & a vision to:
Create a network of people joining hands
To help each other
Find a home and
Emergency friends in a new city.
Flat and Flatmates India now has a network of communities active in 92 cities of India, and with more than three lakh members, we are marking a global footprint in London, New York, Florida, Toronto, Melbourne and Vancouver.

The new reason to ban me - Corona
They now have a new weapon in their armoury. “See, allowing in tenants at this stage would be very risky because “shrugs” you know, COVID-19” Bachelors had so many allegations already. We drink alcohol in the society garden, we party at the neighbour’s place and bring in criminal boys and girls. So we were already pandemic without realising our effect on their cultural health. So I got this idea to wear my fight on my sleeve

Flat and Flatmates is a page which was created to tackle accommodation issues that bachelors face while trying to find a place to live in a new city. But in March 2020, these issues started taking new faces.
Racism, homelessness, sudden evictions, circulation of phone no’s of infected person’s family members were some of the major issues that we wanted to not let go without including more people in active roles, in awareness, in kindness,
And what better way than art to support a social cause.
Thus started Stay Positive Movement, went on for 2 months with amazing artists from The Caribbean Islands, Puerto Rico, Buenos Aires, London, Long Island (NY), San Francisco, Singapore, Dhaka
& India – Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Dehradun, Udaipur, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Gandhinagar, Bhilwara, Chandigarh
Talented and socially responsible artists have joined hands to give a message to India –
Meanwhile, offline, we focused on weeding out fraud and arranging genuine and secure channels of travel home methods for our members, finding and securing legal shelter for beggars, homeless people, and daily wagers during the coronavirus lockdown, eventually getting the order passed for the same soon after the online campaign started.
RTI ACTIVIST Vishwas Bhamburkar on his efforts to involve the government in providing shelter, food and other reliefs to the homeless:
(DISCLAIMER: Flat And Flatmates is not liable for the information shared in the video. These videos were made purely for educational purposes and may lose legal relevance with time. Please check updated judicial precedents or amendments in relevant law for current information)
Knowledge brings the courage to take action, legal provisions and solutions, pan India news and efforts related to real estate, cyber crime, and anything that can help our members going with the times and the tides.
In Surat, 41 buildings were identified as obstacles and AAI has revoked the NOCs for all buildings identified as obstacles due to contravention of height regulations near airport, identified area being Vesu, these buildings are in the path of the flights (Inner Horizontal Surface).
Be an honest PG Owner & Tenant
Key Points: Deposit & International Migrants Day (18 december 2019)
Next, we needed a review platform. Renting a property shouldn’t be an uneven game of power control between the landlord and the tenant. It’s a service and every service needs reviews for awareness.
However, to avoid defamation and keep it fair, we added a one time verification step for all the parties involved before the post is approved. Now, you can check the list before you agree to a deal.
Active volunteer groups – Ahmedabad, Baroda, Surat, Gandhinagar, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai